Personal Questions

What is your real, birth name? What name do you use?
I was born Jesse Lucas Gardella. I go by "Jay" or "Business", rarely Jesse.

Do you have a nickname? What is it, and where did you get it?
Jess Business or just Business. I got my name as a teenager when I used to get into fights and then tell whoever I hit "it's just business". The name stuck and I'm damn near 40.

What do you look like? (Include height, weight, hair, eyes, skin, apparent age, and distinguishing features)
5'11, 6'-6'1 with boots on. I'm 180lbs, solid muscle. I stay in shape because when I don't I tend to look pale and scrawny and that doesn't bode well for my ego or my line of work. I'm also a recovering drug addict so working out is another form of addicton. Go figure. My eyes are strange, not really a color. More of a transparent iridescent; transidescent? I'm 39 (as of June 20th) but I get mistaken for early 30s quite a bit. That always makes me feel good.

How do you dress most of the time?
I wear a mix of suits, jeans, leather jackets, cut off t-shirts, boots, sweats and gym clothes.

How do you "dress up"?
I have a whole closet full of designer suits. My black on black Armani is my favorite one.

How do you "dress down"?
Sweats and a hoodie, usually for the gym.

What do you wear when you go to sleep?

Do you wear any jewelry?
Occasionally I wear rings. I always wear my cross necklace and the promise/commitment ring I have with my girlfriend Emma.

In your opinion, what is your best feature?
My eyes and my girlfriend.

Where do you live? Describe it: Is it messy, neat, avant-garde, sparse, etc.?
I hail from BFE Aberdeen, Washington, moved to Portland, Oregon at 18, went to OSU, got my master's degree in criminal justice, then at 26 I joined the Marine Corps, stayed in for five years, and then moved AGAIN when I came home... to DC when I turned 31. My career finally afforded me the chance to train for the job I wanted and I took it. I met my girlfriend under strange circumstances while working as a cop but I've lived in DC with my her and our dogs for the last six years, before that we lived in Virginia for about 2 1/2 years while I was training for work. We just recently bought our first house and really like the DC area.

Do you own a car? Describe it.
I drive an all white Mercedes G63 (my birthday present to myself last year), and I own a couple of custom bikes that were gifts from my lady.

What is your most prized mundane possession? Why do you value it so much?
I have a matchbook from my very first date with Emma that I'll never throw out or use. It's got the name of the restaurant I took her to on it and I keep it in my nightstand drawer.

What one word best describes you?

Occupational Questions

Do you have a job? What is it? Do you like it? If no job, where does your money come from?
I have a very nice government job.

What is your boss or employer like? (Or publisher, or agent, or whatever.)
My bosses at work are very nice to me and give me a big, fat paycheck with a lot of zeros so I'm not gonna talk shit about them. Ever.

What are your co-workers like? Do you get along with them? Any in particular? Which ones don't you get along with?
I'm hard to get along with. I'm sure my co-workers are fine people but I'm an equal opportunity hater who doesn't get along with anyone except my girlfriend and a handful of other people who know when to stay away from me.