Dr. Julia Carter, PhD, MD (55): Jay's long-time therapist of 10 years. She's quit several times but always comes back because she really loves Jesse and sees potential for recovery in him. She has committed Jesse on 5150 holds more than once when he stopped taking his meds and is unapologetic about doing her job. Jay doesn't always like her and they rarely see eye to eye when he's using or off his meds (or both). When he's clean he considers her a mother figure and understands she's there to help. Personality: Dr. Carter is stubborn and set in her ways. She's insistent but it's always for the benefit of her clients. She's caring and observant and often knows things about Jay and Emma's relationship that they didn't even pick up on.

Cooper Wasserman (45): Jay's agent and founder/CEO of Wasserman Bradley Entertainment Partners (WBE). Cooper and WBE have been representing Jay for a few years, ever since Cooper stole Jesse from another well known agency in a merger. Jay is a constant source of stress for Cooper. Jay is known to hang out at Cooper's office and bother him while he's trying to work. He's also been known to pull Cooper out of meetings or walk in while he's on the phone and demand his attention. They have a love/hate relationship that's more about their friendship and loyalty than money at this point.

Stella Goldman (30): Jay's overworked publicist who's basically on call 24/7 because her client says offensive things and has been known to insult a majority of the interest in one swoop. Known in the industry for her pit bull style damage control and her "no comment" statements issued to media outlets, she's not the most well liked person but she gets the job done and keeps Jesse out of court, for the most part. Stella is a partner at the Enlighten Publicity firm and has been representing Jay for the last five years.